A downloadable game

Ghostly Perception is a spooky ghost-hunting game that collects visual perception data as an experiment for my final master's project. As such you must be at least 18 years of age to play.

Update: Data collection has now ended and this game remains up for the purposes of marking my project.

Warning: Some volunteers have reported having great feelings of motion sickness when playing tbis game. This game has bright lights that rapidly move and may cause an issue for anyone with photosensitivity.

Known issues:  

  • It is likely Windows Defender will give you a virus warning. As I am a student and not a licenced developer a virus warning is likely to pop up when installing the game. To get around this click "more" and then"run anyway". If you're worried you can run your antivirus after downloading the game and you'll see it's all clear.
  • Google Chrome may block the download: if it happens, try Firefox or Edge. 
  • Don't hesitate to contact me if it still does not work and we can sort it out together!
  • The Ghost Detector has a bug where it will give inaccurate readings if held to the ground or to the sky. For accurate readings hold it at around eye level.

IMPORTANT:  By Playing the Ghostly Perception game you are helping me capture Visual Perception data that will be used in my master's project. All you need to do is play the game, and upon finishing it go to the game files extract the two csv files (data.csv & survey.csv) from the game files and then email them to my student email address (1703361@uad.ac.uk) that I might collect the data and draw conclusions from the results of this experiment.  

How To Find The CSVs: If you have installed the game in the standard way you will find the files if you go to the following folders C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Ghostly Perception\Ghostly Perception_Data. You will find the two csv files there. Make sure to copy these files and not cut them as removal of the files will cause the game not to work.

By playing the game and sending the data to me you are agreeing to volunteer in my visual perception data collection experiment. You may ask for your data to be withdrawn from the experiment by emailing me and you may stop participating in the experiment at any time by pressing escape and then quit the game while playing the game.


Ghostly Perception SetUp (x64).exe 106 MB

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